Big Picture | Week 4 | March 23

Every great movie tells a great story. When we see those stories played out on the big screen, we can learn a little more about ourselves and the world around us. Jesus knew how powerful stories could be, and he made them a big part of how he taught his followers. In this 5-week series, kids will hear some of the stories Jesus shared that can help them see the big picture of a life spent following God. Kids will see that God helps us know what's true, the ways we can give back to God, how God sends us helpers, that God gives us second chances, and how we belong in God's family.

Below is a video from our friends at Grow. They help us learn and understand the Big Idea for today!

Below is another video that will help tell the story today, plus a music video! These videos are geared toward our KP Sprouts (Birth-PreK) audience, but are open to anyone!

Each week we have a lesson that accompanies our videos. Below is a copy of a lesson you can do at-home to better explore the Big Idea, scripture, and monthly memory verse. You can also download the document, as a whole, below the pictures. If there are links in the lesson, they should work from the downloaded PDF.

All Printables are in the At-Home Lesson download above.

Have any questions? Need anything? Want to know more about KP Sprouts, KP Kids, Bridge Ministries, and/or Kaw Prairie Community Church?

Email Kim Manson (Family and Student Ministries Director) at


Big Picture | Week 3 | March 16