Our Church
Trust, Grow, Bless
Our lives and our world are beautiful gifts from God, but…
our lives are messy and sometimes bruised.
our world is broken and sometimes mean.
There is a way to heal our lives and restore our world, though, and it’s not a new answer, but the one God knew from the beginning of creation. It’s Jesus, and following him as the Lord of your Life will change the world. We’re already changing lives with Jesus’ love, but we can do it better with you at the table. You want in?
God’s gift of a blessed life can be summarized this way: Trust, Grow, and Bless.
Trust the good news of Jesus—not the old rules that Jesus fulfilled and replaced. Not that ‘God only loves you because Jesus makes him’ but God has loved you from the day you were conceived, sees you as a magnificent masterpiece, and sent his son…
to take away your sin,
to give you peace in your pain,
to give you his hand and his strength, and
to not let you waste your life following any other master but him.
Grow your character and your calling, not out of fear but out of incredible joy. Not out of unquestioned obedience, but for exponential impact in the world Jesus died to save.
Bless others with your life. We get to choose to be the tiny hero of a little, private story, or a significant supporting actor in God’s big, eternal one.
Our Story
Kaw Prairie Church is the story of bold Jesus-followers who trust Jesus, commit to grow more like him, and work to bless the world with our lives.
We’ve learned from Jesus to welcome and have grace toward anybody on the outside looking in, and to make the party inside the Kingdom so warm and life-changing we all want to bring our friends.
We’ve learned to be thankful for our blessings, to be generous and energetic for his work to bless the world, and to make his heart glad with our unity, passion, and joy.
Our Values
The last year and a half have challenged us — but the staff and the leaders in front of you now stayed true to our mission, and embodied our KP values:
To put God First in our lives, and to bless our families by showing them our consistency
To treasure people with Grace-Filled eyes, not measure them with the world’s
To Grow Families into the big story of God, and make Kaw Prairie an extended family for your specific one!
To Give Freely from our time, talents, and treasure.
To leave our comfort zones and boldly Go Forth and do something bold for Jesus in the world outside!
Kaw Prairie is a dynamic community church in partnership with two Protestant denominations for accountability and mission, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) and the Presbyterian Church (USA).