Pledge Sunday
Be a part of what God is doing at KP!
How to financially pledge to KP on Pledge Sunday
By making a financial commitment in support of Kaw Prairie's ministries at the beginning of the year, you help provide what is needed for our ministries and their impact to continue to grow and thrive.
Prayerfully Consider Your Pledge
Before Pledge Sunday, we encourage you to reflect on what God has laid on your heart regarding your support for our church. Read Pastor Clare’s important message about giving, God's provision, and our hopes for 2025 as you consider the part God is calling you to play here at KP.
Write Your Pledge
On Pledge Sunday, you will have the chance to write down your pledge on a card. If you did not receive one in the mail, cards will be available at the rear of the worship space on the information tables. This card symbolizes your commitment to support Kaw Prairie and the vital ministries we carry out.
Bring Your Pledge to the Altar
In a powerful and meaningful act of obedience and praise, we invite you to bring your pledge card to the altar. This moment serves as a beautiful expression of your faith and dedication to God’s work through our church.
Celebrate Together
We especially encourage families to come together on this day, sharing in the joyous experience of contributing to our missions and supporting our community.
2025 Pledge Sunday: January 26
Did you miss Pledge Sunday and want to make a financial commitment to KP?
Are you new to Kaw Prairie and feel moved to add your pledge? Perhaps you were not prepared to make a commitment on Pledge Sunday? Regardless of the time of year, we welcome and are grateful for your pledged financial support to KP! You can simply click HERE for our online pledge card, reach out to our church office, or fill out a pledge card available in the Info Center in the lobby. We’ll ensure your commitment is recorded, and you’ll be part of our collective efforts to further God’s work in our church and community.
How to set up a recurring gift
Kaw Prairie utilizes an online giving platform through our Church Center app. You can download that app on any mobile device and set-up a profile. Watch the video to learn how to make a gift to KP, including recurring donations. You can choose the amount of the gift, frequency, and payment method. If you have any questions, please contact our office staff.
Travis says….
“We are grateful for the many relationships we have formed during our time at Kaw Prairie. We are thankful for the fantastic children's programing and the way our church is committed to spreading the love of Christ in our community.”
Jessica says…
“I'm grateful for all the people at Kaw Prairie. It's like a second family. I love that my children are getting to learn about Jesus in this atmosphere.”
Shonda says….