Take the Lead | Week 4 | June 27
Leaders take the lead. Like a drum major leading a marching band or the grand marshal at a parade, leaders are out in front showing others the way. Legendary leaders of the Bible like Deborah, Gideon, Samson, and Ruth will help kids see what leadership looks like and how they can become great leaders too. Young leaders will grow this month learning that God gives me courage to lead, helps me learn from mistakes, and gives me leaders I can follow. Everyone can be a leader, let’s take the lead together.
Below is another video that will help tell the story today. This video is geared toward our KP Sprouts (Birth-PreK) audience, but is open to anyone!
Below are the instructions for the craft from our weekly lesson…
We are revamping our Kids Cash program. Check back regularly and/or follow us on our KP Kids Facebook page (@KPCC.Kids) for updated information.
In the meantime, spend some time each day reading from the Bible and/or praying together as a family. This time is special and slips away quickly. Help your kids grow in their faith each day!
Need ideas or have any questions? Email Ms. Kim (Director of Family Ministry)