What can I do? | Week 3 | January 21

What’s your dream job? Do you want to be a pilot or astronaut? A teacher or musician? There are so many incredible jobs for us to pick from! God has given each of us special talents and skills that can help us discover what we want to do. But God gives us another job, too. It’s the chance for us to follow God right now! In this four-week series from the Gospels, we’ll read about Jesus starting out his ministry and how he invited his followers — and us — to listen to God’s voice, trust Jesus knows us, trust God’s plans for us, and include people who aren’t like us.

Below is a video from our friends at Grow. They help us learn and understand the Big Idea for today!

Below is another video that will help tell the story today. This video is geared toward our KP Sprouts (Birth-PreK) audience, but is open to anyone!

Each week we have a lesson that accompanies our videos. Below is a copy of a lesson you can do at-home to better explore the Big Idea, scripture, and monthly memory verse. You can also download the document, as a whole, below the pictures. If there are links in the lesson, they should work from the downloaded PDF.

All Printables are in the At-Home Lesson download above.

Have any questions? Need anything? Want to know more about KP Sprouts, KP Kids, Bridge Ministries, and/or Kaw Prairie Community Church?

Email Kim Manson (Family and Student Ministries Director) at kimm@kawprairie.org


What can I do? | Week 4 | January 28


What can I do? | Week 2 | January 14