for yo

There’s a seat for you.

At Kaw Prairie, there's a seat for you. Always. No matter who you are, where you've been, or what's going on in your life, there's room for you at the table.

Following Jesus' example, we welcome people of every race, ethnicity, economic class, marital status, sexual orientation, and faith background (or lack of).

We know many of you have had bad experiences with the church in the past. Christianity hasn't always lived up to its calling to share the Good News. We know the church has left some of you feeling hurt or rejected.

We understand. And we will be the first to admit, we aren't perfect either. But we will do our best to be open, honest, and welcoming as we share God’s love.

You belong at Kaw Prairie.


Sermon Series: Teach Us To Pray

The disciples saw Jesus' own life of prayer, and came to him asking, “How then should we pray?” Like the disciples before us, we hold plenty of questions about prayer, its place in our life of faith, and its impact in our world. Over the next eight weeks, we will gather together to explore what Jesus and scripture have to teach us about prayer and how we live out those teachings in our own time. Join us on the journey, as we invite the Spirit to move through us so that we might be transformed into a people of prayer.

Need of pastoral care?

If you desire spiritual care, Pastor Clare is available to talk with you. Contact her with text at 913-303-1414 or email. For emergencies requiring a pastoral involvement, please call the above number.

Service Times

10am – In-Person Worship
10am – Online Worship (link)

Join Us on Sundays

9421 Meadow View Dr
Lenexa, KS 66227


 Get involved at Kaw Prairie.

Watch our most recent message.

To watch our latest service or search for previous worship, check out our YouTube Page

Check out our most recent lessons for children and students.


How we can pray for you?

To request prayer, please visit our prayer page and submit your request. We believe in the power of prayer. Our prayer team is honored to pray for you and your needs.

Contact Us

9421 Meadow View Dr
Lenexa, KS 66227 (map)

Call: 913-764-5722
Text: 913-800-8056
