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at Kaw Prairie.

There’s a seat for you.

At Kaw Prairie, there's a seat for you. Always. No matter who you are, where you've been, or what's going on in your life, there's room for you at the table.

Following Jesus' example, we welcome people of every race, ethnicity, economic class, marital status, sexual orientation, and faith background (or lack of).

We know many of you have had bad experiences with the church in the past. Christianity hasn't always lived up to its calling to share the Good News. We know the church has left some of you feeling hurt or rejected.

We understand. And we will be the first to admit, we aren't perfect either. But we will do our best to be open, honest, and welcoming as we share God’s love.

You belong at Kaw Prairie.


The Story of a Table

Jesus loved to tell stories.

One of the stories he tells is about a table. He says the Kingdom of God (in other words, Christianity done right) is like a man who prepared a great feast. He sends out invitations to all the people you would expect — the wealthy, the important, the social media influencers.

But when the day of the banquet rolls around, he sends out his servant to tell the guest that the party is almost ready. What he gets in response is unexpected — a steady stream of last-minute cancellations. The excuses are lame. In one case, an outright lie.

The master is furious. He is stuck with a table full of food and several already-opened bottles of wine. (Not the cheap Trader Joe's stuff either.) So he calls his servant over and sends him back out with new instructions...

Invite more people, but this time, invited the unexpected. Invite the people who don't get invited. Let them know there's room at the table!

The servant does. And people start to show. But the master's not done. He sends him back out, saying, "Go out and urge anyone you find to come, so the house will be full."

The man wants a banquet, and he's going to get a banquet!
This isn't some dinner party. This is a great feast!

This is what Jesus says the church should be like. He wants the house to be full. He wants to invite the unexpected. He wants to let the world know, "There's a seat for you."