Atomic Week 1

Welcome to our weekly lesson page for WILD Student Ministry at Kaw Prairie Community Church in Lenexa, KS. During our in-person worship, we are using the student lesson time for various Bible studies. If you’re not at in-person worship, for whatever reason, we encourage you to watch the online worship at 10am on Sundays at OR on demand on our YouTube channel (Kaw Prairie Community Church). However, below is some curriculum that we suggest as well. Any questions? Contact Drew Renollet, Director of Student Ministry

Habits! We all have them, so let’s talk about them. Whether you’ve got good habits (like getting enough sleep or remembering to floss) or bad habits (like biting your nails or checking your phone too often), most of your habits are probably small, tiny, hardly noticeable habits. But over time, those tiny habits can really impact your life, for good or bad. So what about your spiritual habits? What are the small things you do every day that either draw you closer to God or keep you at a distance? In this 4-week series, we’ll discover some principles from Scripture that have the power to help you develop tiny habits that can make a big impact — habits like spending time with God, investing in your relationships, sharing your faith story, and worshiping with your life.


Atomic Week 2


Justice For all Week 3 (Copy)