Break Trail Week 1
Welcome to our weekly lesson page for WILD Student Ministry at Kaw Prairie Community Church in Lenexa, KS. During our in-person worship, we are using the student lesson time for various Bible studies. If you’re not at in-person worship, for whatever reason, we encourage you to watch the online worship at 10am on Sundays at OR on demand on our YouTube channel (Kaw Prairie Community Church). However, below is some curriculum that we suggest as well. Any questions? Contact Drew Renollet, Director of Student Ministry
If you’ve ever gone hiking before, especially in the winter, you know that “breaking trail” is something you do when you encounter deep snow that’s tough to navigate. When that happens, one hiker usually goes ahead of their group and clears the way so others can follow behind more easily. A trail-breaker is someone who goes ahead, who makes a new way, and who invites others to follow along behind them. In so many ways, that’s exactly what Jesus did for us. He broke a new trail just by existing, but he did so much more than that too. In this 6-week Easter series, we’ll read the stories of Jesus breaking new trails as we discover that Jesus never gives up on us, understands our pain, shows us love, is alive, can be trusted, andgives us a mission.